Oggy and the cockroaches Season 1

Storyline:-The show centers on Oggy, a content and lazy, albeit very tender fat blue cat, who would usually spend his days watching TV and cooking - if it wasn't for the three roaches in the household: Joey, Dee Dee and Marky (named after members of the punk group Ramones). The trio seems to enjoy generally making Oggy's life miserable, which involves mischief ranging from (in most cases) plundering his fridge to such awkward things like hijacking the train Oggy just boarded. Oggy usually finds creatures accompanying him to the end of the episode, such as crabs, clams, a horse, a very technologically advanced child, a puppy, and an octopus.
The cartoon itself relies on slapstick humour, much like its "ancestor", Tom and Jerry, only amplifying the level of extremities up a notch; while "traditional" slapstick cartoon characters prefer dropping anvils and pianos on each other, this show sometimes uses even buses or submarines. Despite these however, most gags are easily accessible and enjoyable for younger viewers. Since dialog is kept to a minimum the humour is entirely visual.
Oggy's brother Jack, another cat, wants to find new plans to kill Cockroches while neighbour Bob the bulldog is fed up about new accidents (which are actually done by cockroaches but the dog thinks that Oggy is the reason behind them. So works are done by roaches and cat have to suffer).

Info:-Oggy is the protagonist of the show. Oggy usually spends his time either watching TV or doing housework - when not chasing roaches. Although sometimes acting somewhat female (or in some cases, dressing like a maid, gardening), his gender can be considered male (in one episode the roaches steal his laundry bag and keep dropping a track of clothes - Oggy picks them up one-by-one, but, embarrassed, moves off screen when a brassiere becomes visible among the boxer shorts and socks).
      Despite the constant mayhem caused by the cockroaches, Oggy has developed a sort of love-hate relationship with them, having lived with them for a long time.His phone number is 333-33 (This was noted in the episode "The Ancestor"). Whenever he finds himself alone in his house, he will eventually begin to miss the cockroaches along with their pranks. In one episode (So Lonely), he even uses a tape recorder with their laughter on it and plays their pranks on himself out of boredom. Oggy has come to realize that without the cockroaches, nothing fun or interesting ever happens in his life.

Voiced by Sam Gold

In Indian Version, his voice is similar to Shahrukh Khan.

    * Dee Dee is an ever-hungry, devour-it-all blue-bodied, orange-headed roach with green eyes. His appetite may sometimes reach insane regions, often resulting in the consumption of larger animals or other things (such as hyenas in one case and due to the effects of a poisonous mushroom in another case, an insect. Another instance was the fish on the wallpaper (Oggy's Clone) and a clownfish (Scuba Diving). He is known to like Opera. Dee Dee is a deuteragonist

Voiced by Lizzie Waterworth.

In Indian Version, his voice is similar to Robby Gordon.

    * John is an protect and villian, ted-it-all red blue, green-headed roach with blue eyes. He join Oggy and Cockroaches. John is a Monster Voiced by Jeff Gordon.

In Indian Version, his voice is similar to Sunil Shetty.

    * Marky is a suave heartbreaking, grey-bodied, green-headed roach with pink eyes, he is the tallest of the three roaches and often not really doens't care about what the two others are doing. While he originally used to love causing mischief just like the other cockroaches, he has grown to be more laid-back in later episodes, though he still enjoys hanging out with Joey and Dee Dee and cause general mayhem like he has always done. His hobby is dating girls - even puppets - and reading books. He also has bad breath, as revealed in the episode "It's a Small World" (how he can stand his own bad breath is debatable, as he couldn't stand the smell of gas in "French Fries"). Marky is a deuteragonist

Voiced by Dean Clark

In Indian Version, his voice is similar to Akshay Kumar.

    * Joey, a pink-bodied, purple-headed roach with a pink right eye and yellow left eye, he is the self-proclaimed leader of the roaches. Even though he's the smallest roach in the gang, most of the time he's the brains behind the operations, but is sometimes forced to go solo, because his companions often think his plans are stupid. He also likes to date females (usually a bee) and if he concentrates on one thing he always does it. Joey is a deuteragonist

Voiced by Richard Jones, born in Camden, London, the same birthplace as the Series 2 actor: Scott McCord.

In Indian Version, his voice is similar to Paresh Rawal.

    * Jack is the other cat in the show. He is Oggy's cousin and a complete opposite of Oggy; Jack is short-tempered, violent, arrogant - a perfect target for the roaches to annoy. He often finds himself building huge machinery such as roach-catching contraptions, most of the time resulting in backfiring. He is also very interested in Chemistry (that is, the more explosive parts of it). Jack is Oggy's very close friend (he often sleeps over at Oggy's house) and neighbour (though he drives the couple of feet between their houses whenever he visits Oggy). Jack can come into Oggy's home without knocking and he often goes to see Oggy to help him against the roaches' pranks. He owns a monster truck and his telephone number is 2. He can often bully Oggy as well at times. Jack seems to be the strongest character in the show. He likes to show off, challenge the roaches and date girls:- mainly Oggy's sister Monica. In one episode they seem to have a baby together and ask Oggy to babysit for their child.

Voiced by Steve Murray Swift.

In Indian Version, his voice is similar to Sunny Deol.

    * Monica, Oggy's sister and Jack's love-interest. In one episode (Don't Rock the Cradle) they seem to have a child together. She visits Oggy's house every now and then. She is well known for being very active and likes to take on physical challenges such as sky diving and bungee jumping. She's always seen skating around on her inline skates. Out of all the main characters, she has the least amount of appearances; even fewer than Bob.

Voiced by Liz English.

    * Bob, Oggy's huge neighbor dog, - though he's not mentioned in the opening credits - is one frequent star in the show. While Bob tries to live his life as quietly and calmly as possible, the next door racket usually results in destruction of his property, for which he usually responds with pummeling one of the cats. This mostly happens off-screen, usually because the image is changed to silly wallpaper-like backgrounds; the only hint the viewer gets is fighting sounds and cat-squealing. In the episode 'Working Cat', it is revealed his teeth and gum are entirely composed of metal. It is interesting to note that in the episode 'Off Limits', Bob has portraits of Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, Anne of Cleves, and Catherine of Aragon on the walls of his house. Bob is a person who seems to have Anger management issues, as he always, either, hurt Oggy, Dee Dee, Marky, Joey and Jack. But he is beaten by a robot in the episode of Copy Cat and in another episode by a penguin and in another episode by Jack. Bob serves as the main antagonist.


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